After using this for two weeks we are still pretty happy with it. I was hoping that we would be able to integrate it into a Home Automation centralized conctrol system but it will be separate for now.
Night vision is good and crisp, covering both Observation and Identification requirements and the software allows you to reduce the area that sets off the camera so you can reduce the number of alerts and increase the quality of them.
The voice changer feature is nice.
Daylight operations are just as good and the overall quality of the device is very good. Battery life is acceptable, we have only charged it once before installing and are at 50%. We will have to recharge it in about a week or so; the battery use has gone down since reducing the area of alerting.
Keeping this wireless made installation easy. Wiring this unit into an existing doorbell setup seems easy and will be the way we install it in our next home.